Can you believe it’s less than a week until we are heading into 2022? Now is the time to start planning out the upcoming year! If you’re looking for tips and tricks to help you start getting more organized in the new year so you can be more productive, here are 20 ideas to help you get started right now!
Declutter any unnecessary paper
Go through your stacks of paper and get rid of anything you don’t need. Stacks of paper are not only super distracting but an inefficient way to manage your paper clutter.
Get a brain dump notebook
Get a notebook where you can express all of your thoughts into. You can use these to get your thoughts on paper and keep them out of your head.
Start writing things down in a planner
Don’t depend on your memory to keep track of everything! Instead, get a planner and start writing everything down. Write down appointments, birthdays, and anything else important you need to keep track of.
Create a budget
Help get your money under control with a budget. This will help you be more productive with your time because you won’t spend it worrying about how much money you can spend.
Give everything in your home a home of its own
Start getting your home and your work life in order by giving everything in your house a home of its own! This way, you can make sure you are always putting things back where they belong, and nothing gets out of place.
Think about your long term priorities and goals
How do you want your life to look 5 or even 10 years from now? Take the time now to map out your long-term goals and priorities. This will help you break down those goals into smaller chunks to work on throughout the year.
Put your bills on autopay
Stop worrying about your bills and get them on autopay ASAP! This way, you won’t have to use precious brainpower worrying about whether or not you will lose power tonight while you’re sleeping.
Create a vision board
Make a vision board for yourself. Let this serve as an inspiration to yourself every day when you wake up in the morning or every time you sit down to get work done.
Stop procrastinating
Whatever you are putting off right now, stop procrastinating! If you want to really get organized and be productive, you have to let go of the person telling you to put things off.
Reevaluate your to-do list
Are you filling a list full of things you’d like to do? Or are you creating a list of things you need to do? First, go through each line item in your to-do list and evaluate whether or not it needs to stay there.
Clean out your junk drawer
Do you really need a junk drawer? Or have you just created a drawer where homeless items can go?
Set goals for yourself
Set micro-goals for yourself to help you reach your larger goals. Break down those big goals into smaller bite-size chunks you can work at over days, weeks, or months.
Organize your workspace
Clean off your desk and start fresh! Give everything a good dust and take the time to wipe down everything from your chair to your keyboard.
Let go of multitasking
Multitasking doesn’t actually allow you to get more work done; in fact, you might start to get less done as a result. So instead, take control of your task list by focusing on one thing at a time until you finish your list.
Clean out your closet
Give your closet a good purge. Take everything out and get rid of anything you don’t love or that no longer fits. This way, when you go to get ready in the morning, you never have to wonder whether or not your clothes actually fit you.
Learn the power of saying no
Saying no is so powerful. Say no to the things that don’t further you toward your goals or the things that are important to you in your life.
Give your home a deep clean
While you have some time to yourself, take the time to give your home a deep and thorough clean. This will help you reset your home and give yourself the time you need to get a fresh slate before the new year starts.
Implement the two-minute rule
If something takes less than two minutes to do, just get it done! Simple as that!
Do a digital declutter
Go through your emails, text messages, and even the friends list on your Instagram page. Get rid of anyone or anything that doesn’t serve you well.
Take breaks
Taking a break can be the best way to organize your thoughts and feelings. Take the time to step back from it all and really refocus.
Preparing for a new year can be hard, but if one of your goals this year is to be more productive, these organizational tips will help out big time! Hopefully, these tips will help you get your life organized to better prepare you for the upcoming year.
Putting reoccurring bills on Autopay is an absolute must for me! I (try) to eliminate all unnecessary paper and have everything online. If accounts allow you to choose the withdrawal date, make it close to the date your paycheck is directly deposited (because we ALL do that, right?!) in case you’re concerned about having enough funds in a particular account. Great tips Le!!