Summer is officially here! The days are longer means more time to spend outside. The weather has been perfect in DC this past week, with temperatures barely hovering beyond 82 degrees. If you’re outdoorsy, you likely enjoy outdoor activities year-round; the rest of us wait until the weather warms up to get outside. So, late spring, summer, and part of fall are our time to shine!
Summer was always special when I was growing up because I got to spend a lot more time with my friends because of summer vacation (obviously). As I got older, I also explored various summer jobs and language programs, and in college, I worked internships! So I guess you can say summer is when I always learn something new about myself, and then I end it (unofficially) with my birthday at the end of August.
I intentionally wanted to reflect on previous summers this year, so I have 30 journal prompts just on, you guessed it, summer! I posted a few on Instagram earlier this week, but you can download the rest below! I thought it would be great for anyone who wanted to spend the next 30 days reflecting on previous summers and rewrite a new one this year!