How to Improve Your Productivity with a Planner

Being more productive is key to finishing tasks, meeting deadlines, and completing goals. Unfortunately, this can be where people need help with all the various distractions life brings you. If you want to use a planner to improve your productivity, keep reading to learn how this might be the best thing for you.

Customize Your Planner with Printable Pages

Starting with a basic planner is great, but you need to personalize it a little bit for maximum productivity. Make it a customized planner with printables that work exactly for your needs. This means vacation pages when planning for an upcoming trip, time management pages when working on a project, or additional blank pages when you need to jot down notes or use it as a journal.

Take Your Time to Set it Up Properly.

You will hear a lot about how to set up your planner, and the reason is that this is an integral step to using it effectively. First, take the time to view all the pages in your planner, write down birthdays, events, and appointments, and decide how to use each page. Then, find other printable pages to add when needed, and keep adding to your planner when things change. This is how you can make the most of it.

Use Your Planner for Clear and Concise Goals

Instead of just writing a short list of goals, make them clear and concise. Be detailed and explain each goal, what is expected, and when you will complete the required tasks. Use the S.M.A.R.T. method of setting goals, as this really encourages you to think about realistic, achievable goals that will allow you to keep moving forward in your personal and professional life. Read this blog post, Set and Stick to Your Goals with a Planner.

Don’t Just Set it and Forget it.

A big part of using a planner is using it! It is not meant to be a calendar that you write in once simply, then don’t check back in again. You should use it daily, even if you double-check the next appointment or add a few tasks to your to-do list. Take full advantage of the planner and all it can offer you. If it helps, get a smaller planner to carry in your purse or laptop bag.

All it takes is small changes to improve your productivity. So how do you boost your productivity with your planner?


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