4 Reasons You Keep Going Back To Old Habits

Have you noticed that no matter how hard you try to change your old “bad” habits, you always seem to go back to them? There are many reasons for this, and you are definitely not alone. However, by understanding this behavior pattern, you will be on your way to ending it for the better, or at least know why you fall back into familiar ways.

You Never Fully Committed to Your New Habits

A common reason for quitting new habits and returning to the old ones is that you never actually committed to the habit change. This can be from either jumping into new habits without thinking it through beforehand or just not being 100% sold on them. Make sure you know why you chose the habits you did, and find a way to commit to them fully.

There are Enablers in Your Life 

Enablers often mean well and don’t understand why you want to change your bad habits, but it is still important to watch for them (*cough* your significant other.) Enablers rarely do it to hurt you or to keep you from living a healthy lifestyle, but often because they don’t know better. So if someone in your life is keeping you from your goals or returning to old habits, just be honest with them.

Remember, you can be your own enabler by making excuses! So be honest with yourself as well.

Old Habits Feel Comfortable and Familiar

Your old habits were habits in the first place because they provided something for you, whether it was a comfort or a feeling of security when you got anxious. When you ditch these habits, even though it is best for your health and wellness, it can feel unsafe. 

Maybe you are like me; you have been an emotional eater, where junk food is how you cope with difficult emotions in your life. While this isn’t always bad, it can lead to your old habits and keep you from living a healthy lifestyle if you aren’t mindful of this. 

You Changed Your Habits for the Wrong Reasons

Finally, consider the habits you changed and WHY you decided to change them. Make a list of at least five reasons in your phone’s notes section or on a piece of paper. If you were trying to complete a short-term goal like losing 10 lbs for vacation, you probably wouldn’t keep up with those habits once you return from your trip. Instead, think about it long-term and really consider why you chose those new healthy habits in the first place. Then, revisit these reasons whenever you feel tempted to return to old habits.

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