4 Ways You Can Build A Relationship With Yourself

When you think about how you feel about yourself and how well you know yourself, how do you score on a scale of 1 – 10? If you know yourself very well but you are on the lower side of how much you like yourself, then it might be time to start thinking about how to build a better relationship with yourself, and I will be exploring how to accomplish this. 

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Tons of distractions are around us, but some of the worst distractions come from spending too much time focusing on and critiquing the lives of others. It can be easy to fall into the habit of spending your time concerning yourself with the movements of others, and you may even spend time discussing these things with others. Still, it’s important to note that while you’re focusing on others, you’re avoiding work you can do on yourself. 

Another side of this is that it might manifest insecurities you feel towards yourself due to constant comparing. The person who is aware of the nuances of how you think would be you because people can’t read the minds of others. If you feel as though others constantly scrutinize you, it’s important to remember that they might not even be aware that you feel discomfort. People are primarily focused on how others see them. 

Learn to Forgive People 

It’s hard to make a better relationship with yourself when you carry a lot of baggage from past dealings with people. Things sometimes can make you feel uneasy about relationships with others, but it’s important to remember that you don’t need to hold onto these things. Let them be things that happened and move on. It’s been said that forgiving people is more about being healthier for yourself than the person you’re forgiving. This is because holding onto anger and pain may lead to other negative outlooks on things in your life. 

Once you have forgiven someone completely, the part of your mind holding onto those toxic thoughts and feelings will be free to focus on better things. Then, you can use that brain power to think of ways to put good things into your own environment. There are many ways to spread positivity, and the best practices involve doing something for others. 

Write a Journal or a Letter to Yourself

Part of getting to the deeper parts of yourself is putting your thoughts on paper so you can read them back to yourself. Sometimes it takes this kind of exercise to get a sense of what is on your mind. For example, you might have doubts about recent decisions or need to see your thoughts before you make those final choices. Whatever the case, this will help you prioritize your feelings and thoughts. Then, once you’ve drawn some conclusions, it’ll be easier to make real changes based on your information about yourself. 

Practice Positive Self-Talk 

After you’ve taken some time to think about the things you wrote down to yourself, make some effort to replace anything negative that you said to yourself with something positive. Talk about your abilities. Tell yourself that you can accomplish your goals. The more you repeat these things to yourself, the more possible they will become.  

These are just a few ways to treat yourself the way you deserves! Start with one suggestion until you’re comfortable, and move on! Remember, the goal is to start building a better relationship with yourself; it doesn’t matter how you start but start!

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